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Come abbinare i colori in casa: Regola 60% 30% 10%

How to match colours at home: Rule 60% 30% 10%

The purpose of the 60-30-10 rule is to balance the colours used in space in a pleasing way by assigning percentages to the quantities of colour used.
This is the rule: 60% corresponds to the main colour
+ 30% corresponds to the main colour secondary colour
+ 10% corresponds to the main colour accent colour.

regola 60 30 10
Sixty per cent of the main colour of the room includes the walls, the sofa, the main colour of the carpet in your area, and maybe even your cupboards or tiles. If you closed your eyes before entering the room, opening them again this would be the predominant colour you would see.
The secondary colour of 30% of the room includes items such as chairs, bedding, curtains, an accent wall and maybe even painted doors or furniture. The main purpose of the secondary colour is to provide contrast. This colour will appear about half the size of the main colour in your space, so think of it as a great supporting actor in a film. Different from the main colour to provide interest, but it must not steal the show.
The 10% accent colour is a bit like 'the fun part': decorative accessories, cushions, artwork, lamps, frames, candles, blankets. usually a more contrasting colour than the first two. It could also be a metallic finish, such as gold or brass.

interior design colour rule
Rules, however, especially in interior design are perfect for breaking. The colours we are going to choose to decorate a room or the whole house, will be colours that make us feel good, feel at ease, the choice of colour is fundamental for wellbeing and collective emotional involvement, it should not be underestimated.
The Rule of 60 30 10 is just a general line to be followed to decorate a house independently, just like the others: Rule of Monochrome, Analogy, etc.
regole 60 30 10

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Valorizzare gli interni della casa senza una ristrutturazione è possibile. Questo grazie all'uso sapiente dei colori, la luce e gli accessori.

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