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Japanese Minimalism

Japanese Minimalism

Minimalism is widespread in Japan because it represents an escape from the chaos of the Japanese metropolis.

Also because they change their homes very often because of the strong earthquakes and continuous reconstructions.
Minimalismo Giapponese
So in reality minimalism corresponds perfectly to a spiritual need derived in any case from Zen philosophy, which then meets the practical one, and it is no coincidence that most contemporary minimalist architects, at least the best known ones, are Japanese.
Tadao Ando and Sejima who also represent the practical demonstration that minimalism does not mean without decoration but with the minimum necessary.

Tadao ando Minimalismo giapponese
 John Pawson who uses only 3 ingredients for his works, soul, light and order designs soul light and order.
minimalismo design interiors
His architectures are richly refined complex yet linear.
every essential and frugal element, which seems to be merely a structural necessity is instead well thought out and enhanced by the choice of material whether it be opulent or particular.
minimalismo giapponese

Astonishing is the work of Alberto Campo Baeza a Spanish architect once again light the concept creates a truly intense bond between architectures inhabitant, one can say that in his projects of which I will mention the wonderful grasper House aunt now the geometry is so present and bursting that the lack of any kind of decoration is completely forgotten because it is the meaning that fills all the grades making this house an exemplary and complete architecture.

Minimal giapponese minimalismo
We certainly understand why minimalism is back in fashion once again because ours today is a society that having everything and more needs to return to the essentials to appreciate the true value of things

An undoubtedly universal teaching that we can extend to every aspect of life, but what we must understand is that minimalism must teach us not to strip ourselves uncritically of everything
but to surround ourselves with fewer things of much more value
The value lies in the value of its material in the thoughtful detail
in the intelligent cutting of fabrics or the originality of shapes.

The same must apply to art for architecture and design
but don't be sloppy buy a few functional things of course but above all make sure you surround yourself with beauty, you will appreciate the value even more.


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Valorizzare gli interni della casa senza una ristrutturazione è possibile. Questo grazie all'uso sapiente dei colori, la luce e gli accessori.

Lasciati ispirare dalle collezioni di Cuscini Decorativi Isidera

impara a valorizzare gli interni della tua casa grazie al colore, la luce e i complementi d'arredo

Per saperne di piu

Segreti da Studio di Architettura: Come Arredare una Casa in Stile Classico Contemporaneo e Valorizzare gli Interni
classico contemporaneo

Segreti da Studio di Architettura: Come Arredare una Casa in Stile Classico Contemporaneo e Valorizzare gli Interni

Arredare una casa in stile classico contemporaneo richiede una sapiente combinazione di elementi tradizionali e moderni per creare spazi che siano eleganti, funzionali e accoglienti. Gli esperti de...

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